
Berry & Whyte Surveyors Pty. Ltd. is a surveying company which commenced operation in the Western District town of Portland in 1980. Portland remains as the base office while also servicing the Western District including Hamilton, Casterton and surrounding areas. We have done jobs interstate and travel if required.

Office: (03) 5523 3377           Mobile: 0427 052 070
Email: admin@portlandsurveyors.com.au


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The company has experience in all aspects of the surveying profession. Experienced in cadastral surveying (including Property Subdivisions & Crown Surveys) with considerable experience in construction and engineering surveying work. The company has worked on the Portland Aluminium Smelter Site since March 1985, Incitec Pivot, Portland Wind farm projects, Port of Portland and many other sites. Experience in high precision detailed engineering surveys and laser scanning (Point Cloud) surveys including Portland Aluminium’s High Voltage switchyard.

The company is proficient in producing CAD (Computer-aided design) Cadastral Plans, 3D Point Cloud scanning survey plans, 3D Reality Mesh surveys using Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS/Drones) and highly accurate engineering modelling and monitoring surveys.

The company has been using Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) since 2006 and has been a SPEAR (Surveying and Planning through Electronic Applications and Referrals) user since 2007. Multiple subdivisions have been lodged and registered using the new ePlan format (digital subdivision plans).

Areas Covered

We perform work around the Portland area including Heywood, Casterton, Dartmoor, Digby, Merino, Hamilton, Tyrendarra, Nelson, Narrawong, Bessiebelle, Branxholme, Codrington and beyond.

Business Hours

We are open from 8.00am to 4.30 pm, Monday to Friday.
Please feel free to visit us at our office at 160a Percy St Portland or call for an appointment.